IceCap Gyre Interface Module: Sync and Anti-Sync

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IceCap Gyre Interface Module: Sync and Anti-Sync

Did you know you can program two separate Maxspect Gyre pumps to work together and create more intricate flow patters? Stay tuned to find out!


In this final episode of our IceCap Gyre Interface Module video series, we will create an advanced program that will allow us to synchronized two Maxspect Gyre pumps using two IceCap modules.

This setup will require two IceCap Gyre Interface Modules be connected to the APEX Controller.

This setup will require two IceCap Gyre Interface Modules be connected to the APEX Controller.

We will begin by placing two pumps horizontally on each side of our tank. Then we will alternate flow patterns so that as one pump’s intensity goes up, the opposite pump’s goes down. By synchronizing our pumps to run complimenting flows, we will be able to create the ultimate forward and reverse gyre pattern.

As the left pump ramps up, the right pump will ramp down.

 As the left pump ramps up, the right pump will ramp down.

As the right pump ramps up, the left pump will ramp down.

As the right pump ramps up, the left pump will ramp down.

This video is not for beginners and some background experience in key products will help you get up and running quicker.   If you have not done so, I recommend watching our previous videos “

A fully configured APEX Controller is required.

A fully configured APEX Controller is required.

Your APEX should also have an open variable speed port and you should be familiar with the creation of virtual and regular outlets.

You will need to connect your pumps to a variable speed port on the APEX Controller.

You will need to connect your pumps to a variable speed port on the APEX Controller.

If you have not configured your Apex controller, a really good place to start is Neptune Systems website. They have an amazing website full of support articles, videos as well as a support forum with a thriving community of experienced staff and fellow Apex users. 

You will need the Y cable that came with your Gyre Interface Module.


So lets get ready for “IceCap Gyre Interface Module: Sync & Anti-Sync”

Programming Your APEX Controller

To start the video, please head over to your APEX Classic interface.  If you don't now how to access it, please head over to 


  • 1 pm - 2 pm: Synchronized pulsing


  • SyncFlow2


2 pm - 10 pm: Offsetting ramp up and ramp down flow



10 pm - 8 am: Night mode



Setting Five Profile Types

The first thing we need to do is create the profiles. As we covered in a previous video, profiles can be looked as different flow patterns. Their purpose is to tell the pump how to run. They are not meant to tell the pump when to run (that is done by the schedule on the outlet) but mainly to instruct the pump on what pattern to run to create a particular flow. We will need a total of 5 different profiles.

A ramp up profile and a ramp down profile for the day. A pulse profile to use during the early afternoon, and finally a ramp up profile and a ramp down profile for night time.

Day Profiles:

  • Name: Day_Up
  • Type: Ramp
  • Ramp time: 1
  • Start intensity: 25
  • End intensity: 85
  • Name: Day_Down
  • Type: Ramp
  • Ramp time: 1
  • Start intensity: 85
  • End intensity: 25

Night Profiles:

  • Name: Night_Up
  • Type: Ramp
  • Ramp time: 1
  • Start intensity: 25
  • End intensity: 40
  • Name: Night_Down
  • Type: Ramp
  • Ramp time: 1
  • Start intensity: 40
  • End intensity: 25

Pulsing Profile:

  • Type: Pump
  • Synchronize: No
  • Divide by ten: No
  • Initial off time: 0
  • On time: 10
  • Off time: 10
  • Minimum intensity: 25
  • Maximum intensity: 70

Configuring Virtual Outlets

The next step is to create virtual outlets. A virtual outlet is an outlet that exists only within the apex programming but does not have a physical presence.   There is no EB8 or module that has a physical representation of the outlet. Virtual outlets are used mainly as switches that virtually turn on and off and run together with regular physical outlets to create more complex schedule patterns that cannot be achieved by just using regular outlets and profiles.

In our case, we are creating a virtual switch that will run a profile when on and a different profile when off. If we use our pumps as example, if our virtual outlet is on, the left pump will run the Day_Up profile while the right pump will run the Day_Down profile and when the virtual outlet turns off, then our left pump will run the Day_Down profile and our right pump will run the Day_Up profile. This process will repeat at whatever rate we set the virtual outlet to turn on and off. 

So, We will need to create FOUR virtual outlets, two for the day and two for the night.

Day Virtual Outlet: 

  • Name: VIRT_Day
  • Icon: Up/Down Arrow
  • Type: Advanced
  • Log: No
OSC 000:00/001:00/001:00 Then ON
If Time 13:00 to 14:00 Then OFF
If Time 22:00 to 08:00 Then OFF

Day Virtual Outlet (Default)

  • Name: VIRT_DayTM
  • Icon: Up/Down Arrow
  • Type: Advanced
  • Log: No
Set ON
If Time 13:00 to 14:00 Then OFF
If Time 22:00 to 08:00 Then OFF

Night Virtual Outlet

  • Name: VIRT_Night
  • Icon: Up/Down Arrow
  • Type: Advanced
  • Log: No
OSC 000:00/003:00/003:00 Then ON
If Time 08:00 to 22:00 Then OFF

Night Virtual Outlet (Default)

  • Name: VIRT_NightTM
  • Icon: Up/Down Arrow
  • Type: Advanced
  • Log: No
Set ON
If Time 08:00 to 22:00 Then OFF

Configuring Physical Outlets

The final step is to configure our Variable Speed outlets.  These are the two outlets where each of our two pumps are connected to.  These outlets will execute a schedule that will combine both profiles and virtual outlets to create the flow we are looking for.  We will need to create a left outlet as well as a right one.

Right Outlet:

  • Name: XF130_Right
  • Icon: Left/Right Arrow
  • Type: Advanced
  • Log: Yes

If Outlet VIRT_DayTm = ON Then Day_Up
If Time 13:00 to 14:00 Then Day_Pulse
If Outlet VIRT_NightTm = ON Then Night_Up
If Outlet VIRT_Day = ON Then Day_Down
If Outlet VIRT_Night = ON Then Night_Down
If FeedA 000 Then OFF

Left Outlet:

  • Name: XF130_Left
  • Icon: Left/Right Arrow
  • Type: Advanced
  • Log: Yes

If Outlet VIRT_DayTm = ON Then Day_Down
If Time 13:00 to 14:00 Then Day_Pulse
If Outlet VIRT_NightTm = ON Then Night_Down
If Outlet VIRT_Day = ON Then Day_Up
If Outlet VIRT_Night = ON Then Night_Up
If FeedA 000 Then OFF 

Use the information you learned as a starting point to create more profiles and more complex schedules.


If you would like more information on the IceCap Gyre Interface Module check out the link below. If you have any technical questions that you wish to ask, please head over to and submit a support ticket.


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